The Big Day

Phoenix Jones & Purple Reign present: The Healing Reign Music Benefit & Auction, with bands Quickie & Ghost Town Riot, & video message from Rainn Wilson


It's just over a week now after The Healing Reign Music Benefit & Auction. I've been catching up on months of lost sleep but am already thinking about the next big campaign and event...despite my family's urge to just take it easy for awhile. It's hard for me not to be constantly busy, active, and elbows deep in projects focused on helping victims of abuse and crime.  No time to take a break when people are out there dying.

The night started off with setting up the auction table. About 30 items overall were donated and we brought in just over $2000.00 from the auction portion of the event.  Some of the big ticket items were passes and a gift basket to GeekGirlCon as well as Crypticon.  DJ lessons from Jason LeMaitre, dance lessons, comic books, salon and spa packages, and multiple gift cards to restaurants and hotels in Belltown.  Some of the items from The Healing Reign Music Benefit & Auction can be seen here.

Phoenix and I took the stage to introduce Northwest Family Life, the beneficiary of all the funds brought in from the campaign. Nancy, the NW Family director spoke for a few minutes along with John from Penny's Place.  I am grateful for the good work these organizations do to help women, men, and children who have all been impacted by domestic violence.  

We played the video message from Rainn Wilson which got a good laugh from the audience.  Rainn is a good friend of ours who supports our crime fighting efforts out on the streets as well as our efforts to stop domestic violence. The Healing Reign Music Benefit Rainn Wilson video can be seen from my YouTube channel here.

Ghost Town Riot took the stage after that and amazed everyone with their melodic rock music.  Quickie played after that and despite a few technical difficulties, debuted their music video 'Phoenix Jones' which I featured on a previous blog here

In the photos from the evening you will notice something different about my appearance. I am not wearing my usual veil that I use to conceal my identity. I think it is important to be anonymous in a lot of the charity as well as the crime fighting efforts we are involved in. But when it comes to speaking out against domestic violence AND encouraging other people to speak out as well, the message is better received when I take my mask off. Here are a few of the images from the event, taken by David & Carissa Carnahan. The rest of the Healing Reign Music Benefit & Auction photos can be seen here.

 The Healing Reign Music Benefit & Auction w/ Phoenix Jones & Purple ReignThe Healing Reign Music Benefit & Auction w/ Phoenix Jones & Purple Reign w/ NW Family Life & Penny's Place directorsThe Healing Reign Music Benefit & Auction w/ Phoenix Jones & Purple ReignThe Healing Reign Music Benefit & Auction w/ Phoenix Jones & Purple Reign

The Healing Reign Music Benefit & Auction w/ Phoenix Jones & Purple ReignThe Healing Reign Music Benefit & Auction w/ Phoenix Jones & Purple Reign

The Healing Reign Music Benefit & Auction w/ Phoenix Jones & Purple ReignThe Healing Reign Music Benefit & Auction w/ Phoenix Jones & Purple ReignThe Healing Reign Music Benefit & Auction w/ Phoenix Jones & Purple ReignThe Healing Reign Music Benefit & Auction w/ Phoenix Jones & Purple Reign

The Healing Reign Music Benefit & Auction w/ Phoenix Jones & Purple ReignThe Healing Reign Music Benefit & Auction w/ Phoenix Jones & Purple Reign Rainn WilsonThe Healing Reign Music Benefit & Auction w/ Phoenix Jones & Purple Reign

The Healing Reign Music Benefit & Auction w/ Phoenix Jones & Purple Reign Ghost Town RiotThe Healing Reign Music Benefit & Auction w/ Phoenix Jones & Purple Reign Ghost Town Riot

The Healing Reign Music Benefit & Auction w/ Phoenix Jones & Purple Reign w/ Quickie signing comic booksThe Healing Reign Music Benefit presented by Phoenix Jones & Purple ReignThe Healing Reign Music Benefit presented by Phoenix Jones & Purple ReignThe Healing Reign Music Benefit presented by Phoenix Jones & Purple Reign with the lovely Janet Bierer Ms. MontanaThe Healing Reign Music Benefit presented by Phoenix Jones & Purple Reign. Guests from GeekGirlCon.The Healing Reign Music Benefit presented by Phoenix Jones & Purple Reign. Guests Don and Marcia.The Healing Reign Music Benefit presented by Phoenix Jones & Purple Reign. Lovely ladies from NW Family Life and New BeginningsThe Healing Reign Music Benefit presented by Phoenix Jones & Purple Reign. Lou from Quickie showing off the Phoenix Jones comic bookThe Healing Reign Music Benefit presented by Phoenix Jones & Purple Reign with El Cabellero and Janet Bierier, Ms. Montana The Healing Reign Music Benefit presented by Phoenix Jones & Purple Reign. Rotor and Ms. Montana making an appearanceThe Healing Reign Music Benefit presented by Phoenix Jones & Purple Reign, Vai from Vain Hair Salon, one of our auction donors.The Healing Reign Music Benefit presented by Phoenix Jones & Purple Reign & Rainn Wilson

We are still waiting on the final numbers to come in from T-shirt sales, donations, and a few other sources. The campaign is still open through the end of May and we will be issuing a check and turning over ALL of the proceeds raised to NW Family Life. 

A few big thank you's: Janet Bierer, our lovely MC for the evening, that drove all the way out from Montana for the event! She also ran the auction and really took a lot of stress off my shoulders. I want to thank Nectar Lounge for allowing us to invade their establishment.  I am especially thankful for Quickie and all of their efforts to raise awareness about domestic violence and to help bring in funds with their comic books, stickers, and music downloads. I also need to thank a few heroic women who stepped in to help out with the auction, Karla, Kat, Brenda, and a very special thanks to Rebekah for running the live stream camera and chat room the entire evening....even after she nearly killed my phone by dropping it off the balcony ;) The Live-stream footage can be found here on the Purple Reign Superhero Ustream Channel.


What you all are doing it truly Inspiring ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Keep up the amazing work ! ! ! ! !

Thank you Dustin, we always appreciate the support. Glad to hear more and more are becoming inspired!

Looks like a great event! Hopefully it can be the first of many!

Thanks Lou, it was a lot of fun and we were able to raise a lot of funds for NW Family Life (still waiting on final numbers to come in!) The next campaign will focus on bullying!

Thank you for all you are doing to bring awareness and all your doing for Northwest Family Life and Penny's Place!!!!

So what was the grand total raised for NW Family Life?

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