Everyday Hero Nominations
In This World, There are Heroes Among Us, and They Give Me Hope
It is my belief that we should be the change we wish to see in the world. People say they have lost hope in humanity and at times I understand where they are coming from... especially when I turn on the news and see another tragic story of death, heart ache, and chaos. However, I believe we can choose to focus on the positive and be inspired by the heroic behavior we see in those around us. For the next few weeks, I'd like to focus on true stories where people have reached out to help strangers, loved ones, and sacrificed their own wishes for those of someone less fortunate.
If you know someone who lives selflessly, continuously gives to and reaches out to their community, is seen as a pillar of hope and inspiration, (whether they have touched you personally or you have seen them make a difference in the life of another), please tell us about them! We are accepting nominations and true stories of real life 'Everyday Heroes' and will be choosing six winners on Friday May 4, 2012. The heroes will be receiving a Phoenix Jones, Purple Reign, or Rain City Superhero T-shirt of their choice. We will also honor one of the selected heroes at the upcoming Healing Reign Music Benefit & Auction, giving them an honorary title in the Rain City Superhero Movement.
- Send an email with subject line 'Everyday Hero Nomination' to or through the contact form
- Include a brief story and introduction of the hero you are nominating sharing their heroic behavior
- Include contact info for yourself and your hero
- No limit on the number of nominations you can submit
- Deadline to enter is Friday May 4, 2012 at 3:00pm PST
Wed, 04/18/2012 - 14:59
Sat, 04/21/2012 - 16:27
I may have been a hero a few
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