Everyday Heroes Comic Contest Winner

Phoenix Jones Announces the winner of the 'Everyday Heroes Against Domestic Abuse' Comic Contest...

After receiving hundreds of entries we'd like to announce the winner along with a couple of honorable mentions. The comic panels were judged on three criteria:

  1. Creativity - individual style

  2. Awareness - how well does the panel convey the message 'Everyday Heroes Against Abuse' ?

  3. Inspiration - does the panel encourage others to speak out against domestic abuse?

The winner of the contest:

Luke Molver of Durban, South Africa.

'After being born at a very early age, Luke W. Molver was raised by a pack of feral cockroaches in the seedy underbelly of slumburban Durban. Upon completing his degree in Graphic Design, he realized he hated Graphic Design and vowed never again to hawk his soul to fat little corporations wanting logos for their diabetic vegetarian low-calorie toothpaste. Instead, he threw himself into comics and illustration, which he reckoned gave him slightly more creative freedom.' Luke Molver, an incredible and talented artist is also a hero, much like the ones he draws in comics, as he uses his special skills to help people less fortunate than himself. Luke submitted multiple entries in the contest and all fit the contest criteria...we actually had a hard time deciding which of his entries to choose!

Luke Molver Purple Reign Campaign Everyday Heroes Against Domestic Abuse

First Prize Winner, Luke Molver 'STEP UP. STOP ABUSE'



Luke Molver Purple Reign Campaign Everyday Heroes Against Domestic Abuse

Luke Molver 'Everyday Heroes Against Domestic Abuse'



Luke Molver The Rain City Superhero Movement

Luke Molver, past artwork featuring the Rain City Superhero Movement



An honorable mention goes to Lou Graziani for designing the Purple Reign Logo.

Lou Graziani is the creator of the Cy-Boar Comic Series. (www.Cy-Boar.com) as well as an I-Phone App Maker, Illustrator, Web/Graphic Designer & Photographer who resides in the small town of Lexington, Ohio with his wife, 2 kids and a dog. Lou recently contributed to Comic Creators for Freedom, an effort by comic artists to raise money for victims of human trafficking. He is currently teaching a class at the Mansfield Art Center on comic book creation for kids 8-12. You can contact Lou through his email: or twitter: lou_graz73

Lou Graziani The Purple Reign Campaign Logo Everyday Heroes Against Domestic Abuse

Lou Graziani, Creator of the Purple Reign logo



Lou Graziani Phoenix Jones Art

Phoenix Jones artwork by Lou Graziani



Below are a few other entries that were submitted which we would like to feature as honorable mentions:


Markku Laskujärvi The Purple Reign Campaign Everyday Heroes Against Domestic Abuse

Marku Laskujarvi, sequential artist


 AJ Roberts The Purple Reign Campaign Everyday Heroes Against Domestic Abuse

AJ Roberts 'You don't have to know her. You don't have to know him. They may say it's none of your business, that it's a private matter, that it doesn't concern you. But when someone is being hurt, it doesn't matter how well you know them, only you can help. When you hear or see something, say something. Call the proper authorities and get help for the victim. Domestic Violence...it IS your business. Be an Everyday Hero Against Domestic Abuse.'


AJ Roberts The Purple Reign Campaign Everyday Heroes Against Abuse

AJ Roberts 'Mary Lou escaped from a dangerous situation. She worked with a domestic abuse agency and worked out a plan. When the opportunity arose, she grabbed her two small children and after seceral steps to evade follow, she made it to an emergency shelter. He wasn't going to hurt her or her children ever again. She and her children were safe. Mary Lou is a mother. Mary Lou is a Survivor. Mary Lou is a hero. Everyday Heroes Against Domestic Abuse'


AJ Roberts The Purple Reign Campaign Everyday Heroes Against Domestic Abuse

AJ Roberts 'PHOENIX JONES USES ALL CAPS TO SPEAK OUT AGAINST DOMESTIC ABUSE. But Whether you use all caps or proper punctuation, you too can speak out against domestic abuse. Everyday Heroes Against Domestic Abuse.'


Gianni Laudati The Purple Reign Campaign Everyday Heroes Against Domestic Abuse

Gianni Laudati, Salverno, Italy


Purple Reign Shero Rain City Superhero Seattle

Gianni Laudati, Salverno, Italy


The winning entry is amazing! Beautiful and talented artwork by all.

Agreed! I love it when artists use their talents to send positive messages out to the world!

I wish I had known about this contest! You must have another one soon! (Although some of these entries would be hart to beat)

If you have artwork that fits our theme of Everyday Heroes please send it over! We'd still love to see it.

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