Comic Contest

Phoenix Jones03/01/12 update: To view the winner of the Everyday Heroes Against Domestic Abuse Phoenix Jones Comic Contest click here 

To show his support for The Purple Reign Campaign - Everyday Heroes Against Domestic Abuse, Phoenix Jones is judging a comic panel contest.  Some people are visual learners like him and he hopes to reach people and teach them about domestic abuse in this very creative way. For those of you with artistic talents that want to get involved, this contest is for you!

The comic panels will be judged on three criteria:

  1. Creativity - individual style

  2. Awareness - how well does the panel convey the message 'Everyday Heroes Against Abuse' ?

  3. Inspiration - does the panel encourage others to speak out against domestic abuse?


REWARD - In addition to changing and saving lives by the awareness raised through the comic,  the winning comic will be featured on this wepage along with the Phoenix Jones and Purple Reign fan page for the duration of the campaign (the pages combined have a weekly reach of 56,000 + people).  Emerald City Comicon has also offered a free three day pass to EMCC 2012 to the winner. The artist will also be featured in a short article to highlight their work as a comic book artist and to thank them for using their unique talents in a cause that benefits others.

THE DEADLINE HAS BEEN EXTENDED! Submit your entries by March 1, 2012 to with COMIC CONTEST in the subject line. No limit on the number of entries you can submit!

Purple Reign Rain City Superhero Movement