NW Family Life

Since 1989, Northwest Family Life has been characterized by a strong commitment to their mission of “assisting individuals and families in finding hope and healing when facing the pain of domestic violence and related issues.” As a non-profit learning and counseling center based in the greater Seattle area, they have a three-pronged approach to ending domestic violence: advocacy, intervention, and prevention.

They offer an Advocacy and Support Program for women. Their advocates provide information and support to survivors of domestic violence, those currently dealing with an abusive situation, or those still healing from past abuse. Services include advocacy-based support groups, individual safety planning, referrals to community services, and advocacy resources. Advocates combine extensive knowledge of available resources with compassionate understanding of the unique problems that participants face. Northwest Family Life mentors a branch project called Penny’s Place. It is an intentional therapeutic community providing housing for women and children affected by domestic violence, trafficking and trauma.

 They also provide mental health counseling support to the community by offering a network of counselors to help individuals and families deal with issues related to life’s changes and challenges. Their counselors are also trained to work with those who have experienced domestic violence other forms of trauma or abuse.

 Northwest Family Life conducts a State Certified Batterers Treatment Program for perpetrators of domestic violence. This Intervention program meets the WAC 388-60 for Batterers Treatment and provides an opportunity for individuals to understand the affects of abuse, take responsibility for behavior, remain accountable, change attitudes of power and control in relationships, learn anger management skills, and heal from anger and abuse.

 The Northwest Family Life team offers Education and trainings locally, nationally, and internationally. They support a number of other countries in their work to end domestic violence, including: Canada, Russia, Moldova, Nepal, The Philippines, Vietnam, Cambodia, and more. Through speaking, teaching, and presentations, they provide awareness and education on domestic violence and many related issues.


NW Family Life:


11320 Roosevelt Way NE

Seattle, WA 98125

Click here for directions



Phone: 206.363.9601

Fax: 206.363.9639